Types of fields

Multi-line texts

Format for displaying and interacting with text for multi-line text values.

  1. Pull the button alt to stretch the field or use the scroll bar.


Formatted texts

Format for displaying and editing formatted text. In the form for editing, you can change the size, shape, position, and some other parameters for displaying text.


Button Name Function
alt Formatting Changing the style of the selected text.
alt Bold Turning the selected text into bold.
alt Italics Italicizing the text.
alt Crossed out Draws a line over the selected text in the center.
alt Superscript Creating a superscript character.
alt Subscript Creating a subscript character.
alt Link Inserting a link to a resource.

URL - a link to a resource;
Text - the displayed link text;
Hint - displayed when hovering over the link text;
Target - indicates where to open the linked document (corresponds to the attribute [target] of the *[a]* tag in HTML).
alt Insert an image Inserting the image URL.

URL - link to the resource;
Description - displayed if the image has not loaded.
alt Image as base64 code Inserting an image into the text.
alt Left-alignment Left-alignment of the content.
alt Center alignment Center alignment of the content.
alt Right-alignment Right-alignment of the content.
alt By width Uniform distribution of the text between the left and right margins.
alt Usual list Creating a bulleted list.
alt Numbered list Creating a numbered list.
alt Horizontal line It is used as a thematic break.
alt Clear formatting Removes all formatting from the selected text.
alt Full screen Expand the field to full screen.

Integer values

Switch is a special element for editing integers.

  1. Click on the buttons alt alt switch to change integer values, or use the keyboard.



A calendar is provided for editing dates.

  1. Click on the field or button alt to open the сalendar.

  2. Click the buttons alt alt to change the month and year.

  3. Click on the number alt to select the day.

  4. Click the button [Today] to automatically select the date of today.

  5. Click the button [Close] to close the item without saving it.

You can enter the date directly in the field using the keyboard.



A dial is provided for editing the time.

  1. Click on the field or button alt to open the dial.

  2. Select the number of hours (24-hour time format).

  3. Select the number of minutes in 5-minute steps (or move the tip of the arrow for a smaller step).

The time can be specified directly from the keyboard in the field.


The format for entering a single value from the list.

  1. Click on the field to expand the list, select a value.


The presence of the alt next to this field means that if there are no suitable values in the drop-down list, you can add them yourself. Clicking on the button opens the form to fill out.

The presence of the alt next to this field means that you can additionally open the form associated with the selected drop-down list item. Clicking on the button opens an additional form with data.


Format for uploading text files and images.

  1. Drag and drop the file or click on the alt to download.


Only one file is stored in the field at a time.