Menu items

Menu item properties:

  • The field “Order” contains the order of the menu items when displayed to the user.
  • The field “Name” contains the unique name of the menu item in the database.
  • The field “Projection” the name of the projection that opens when this menu item is selected.
  • The field “Title” contains the title of the menu item displayed to the user.
  • The field “View template” contains the name of the form display template (see more details in Field values “View template”).
  • The field “Menu icon” contains the name of the image that will be displayed next to the title of the menu item. For example, from the site Font Awesome.
  • The field “Style” contains the name of the CSS class that is added when this menu item is displayed on the main page.
  • The field “Role” contains the name of the database role for which this menu item should be displayed. If not specified, it is displayed for all roles.
  • The field “Key” contains the record key. Used when linking a menu item to a detailed form.

Connections of the menu item:

  • The container “Menu items” contains a list of menu items that are children of this item.