Values of the field *Type on display*

Value Description
time Время A dial for entering the time.
progress Горизонтальный индикатор The progress indicator of the process.
invisible Скрытый Hides the field on the interface.
code-sql SQl код A text field with SQl syntax highlighting
code-js JS код A text field with JS syntax highlighting
File on disk (single) Uploading a file to the server disk. The old file is replaced with a new one.
File on disk (multiply) Uploading a file to the server disk. Storing multiple files.
Image on disk (single) Uploading an image to the server disk. The old image is replaced with a new one. Preview is supported.
Image on disk (multiply) Uploading an image to the server disk. Storing multiple images. Preview is supported.
File in database (single) Uploading a file to the database. The old file is replaced with a new one.
File in database (multiply) Uploading a file to the database. Storing multiple files.
Image on database (single) Uploading an image to the database. The old image is replaced with a new one. Preview is supported.
Image on database (multiply) Uploading an image to the database. Storing multiple images. Preview is supported.
trackbar struckt The slider. Changing the value in percentages or fractions.
ref Список Drop-down list. An installed foreign key is required.
bool Истина или ложь A button with a mark in the value “true” or “false”.
plain Текст без форматирования Multi-line text.
statictext Статический текст Immutable text.
date Дата Calendar for entering the number, month and year.
integer Целочисленное Switch for entering integers.
monthyear Год-месяц Calendar for entering the month and year.
datetime Дата и время Calendar and dial for entering the date and time.
uint8h Номер пункта An element for entering numbered multi-level lists.
string Строковые значения The standard field for entering text values.
passwordinput Ввод пароля Other characters are displayed instead of the entered characters.
checkbox-group A button with a mark. Allows you to select several options from a group of options. When selected, it saves text values to the database.
checkbox-group-idx A button with a mark. Allows you to select several options from a group of options. When selected, it saves the indexes of the values to the database.
radiobutton Radio button. Choosing one of the mutually exclusive groups. When selected, it saves text values to the database.
radiobutton-idx Radio button. Choosing one of the mutually exclusive groups. When selected, it saves the indexes of the values to the database.
json Формат JSON JSON Editor
text Форматированный текст Formatted text. Allows you to enter text and change the size, shape, position and other parameters.
extern Строковые значения A field for storing links. When displayed in tabular form, the link address is limited to the hostname.