Projection relations (Dependency)

Dependency properties:

  • The parameter “Order” contains the sequence number of the dependency.

  • The parameter “Title” specifies the title of the container (dependencies) that is displayed to the user.

  • The parameter “Parent entity” contains an entity whose projections contain a container.

  • The parameter “Parent projection” contains the name of the projection of the entity containing the container (dependency). One entity can have multiple projections.

  • The parameter “Parent key” contains the primary key of the parent entity.

  • The parameter “Child entity” contains the entity whose projection is displayed in the container of the parent projection.

  • The parameter “Child projection” contains the name of the projection of the entity displayed in the container.

  • The parameter “Child entity key” contains the primary key of the child entity.

  • The parameter “Visibility” allows or prohibits the display of this container (dependency) by the user.

  • The parameter “Read-only mode” allows or prohibits editing of container fields (dependencies).

  • The parameter “Opened” if set to “true”, the container will be expanded when the detailed form is opened.

  • The parameter “View template” contains the name of the form display template (see Field values “View template”).

  • The parameter “Hint” when filling it out, displays a hint window when hovering over the container title.

  • The parameter “Additional parameters” contains (if necessary) parameters in JSON format that define additional processing for dependencies.