
User properties:

  • The field “User name” contains the login of the user account in the program.

  • The field “Password” contains the password for the user account. The password is not visible to the administrator.

  • The field “Password expiration” contains the date before which the user can log in using the specified password. If there is no value in this field, the validity period is not limited. .

  • The field “Is the user active?" indicates whether the user account is blocked for logging in. The account can be blocked in the “User is blocked” field or after the password expires (automatically). Immutable field.

  • The field “Is the user blocked?" allows you to forcibly block the user account. If the user is blocked, the value “true” is indicated next to the field, and the “User is active” field automatically takes the value “false”.

  • The field “User grants” contains the user’s permissions to. The field has values:

    • “Create role” - the right to create user roles;
    • “Inherit” - the right to inherit the rights of the roles specified in the container “Belongs to groups”;
    • “Create DB” - the right to create databases;
    • “Bypass RLS” - the right to ignore security policies at the row level.

    Detailed description in Creating Roles.

User relations:

  • The container “Owner of entities” contains a list of entities created by the user.

  • The container “Parent groups” contains a list of groups in which the user is included.

  • The container “Grants” contains a list of entities and the rights that the user has for each entity.